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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark


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13th Prof. Jan Jargoń Organ All Souls Festival, 9th November 2016, 7.30 PM

13th Prof. Jan Jargoń Organ All Souls Festival, 9th November 2016, 7.30 PM

The 13th Prof. Jan Jar­goń Organ All Souls Festi­val fills the inte­riors of the Car­me­li­te Church, the Jesu­it Church and St Mary’s Basi­li­ca with master­ful music. The event is dedi­ca­ted to two com­po­sers, con­duc­tors and vir­tu­osos of the instru­ment: Feliks Nowo­wiej­ski, com­me­mo­ra­ting the 70th anni­ver­sa­ry of his pas­sing, and Max Reger, com­me­mo­ra­ting a cen­te­na­ry of his passing. 

9 Novem­ber 2016, 7:30pm
St Mary’s Church

Dariusz Bąkow­ski-Kois (Poland)
José de Tor­res y Mar­tínez Bra­vo (1670−1738) Batal­la de 5º tono, Obra de 7º tono
Andre­as Arms­dorff (1670−1699) Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend
Johann Seba­stian Bach (1685−1750) Herz­lieb­ster Jesu, was hast du ver­bro­chen BWV 1093
Sig­frid Karg-Elert (1877−1933) Cho­ra­le Impro­vi­sa­tions Op. 65 No. 13 and No. 17
Char­les-Marie Widor (1844−1937) X Organ Sym­pho­ny in D major “Roma­ne” Op. 73 (I. Mode­ra­to, IV. Final. Allegro)
Louis Vier­ne (1870−1937) Prélu­de funèbre Op. 4, Sor­tié Op. 30 No.