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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej


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EVENTS 14.06.2023

Public Choice Award 2023 — vote for Wit Stwosz Altarpiece

The Public Cho­ice Award 2023 will be pre­sen­ted in Sep­tem­ber in Veni­ce during the Euro­pe­an Heri­ta­ge Awards Cere­mo­ny. We enco­ura­ge you to cast your votes (vote​.euro​pa​no​stra​.org) for the con­se­rva­tion of Wit Stwosz…

EVENTS 13.06.2023

European „Oscar of Culture” for conservation of Wit Stwosz Altarpiece

Among this year’s win­ners hono­red with Euro­pe­’s highest honor — the Euro­pe­an Heri­ta­ge Award /​​ Euro­pa Nostra 2023 Award in the Con­se­rva­tion cate­go­ry was the Wit Stwosz Altar­pie­ce at St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca in Kraków.…

EVENTS 13.06.2023

European Heritage Awards /​ Europa Nostra Awards 2023

Con­se­rva­tion of the Wit Stwosz Altar­pie­ce in St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca in Kra­kow awar­ded the Euro­pe­an Heri­ta­ge Award /​​ Euro­pa Nostra Award 2023 Brus­sels /​​ The Hague, 13 June 2023 The Euro­pe­an Commission…

EVENTS 14.04.2022

The revitalization of organ instrumentation

Thro­ugho­ut the cen­tu­ries the music of St. Mary’s Church has been clo­se­ly asso­cia­ted with three pipe instru­ments: small organ in the southern aisle, cho­ral and gre­at organs. So they could rega­in the­ir per­fect sound the 21st century…

EVENTS 11.03.2019

Tours of the Basilica

Thank you for your sup­port in this dif­fi­cult time rela­ted to the COVID-19 epi­de­mic. Thanks to the visits of touri­sts from dif­fe­rent parts of the world, many good things have been achie­ved in St. Mary’s Basi­li­ca. In February…

EVENTS 11.03.2019

Renovation of the Altar of Veit Stoss

HISTORY OF CONSERVATION For cen­tu­ries, as St. Mary’s arch­pres­by­ters have been taking care of one of the gre­atest works of Gothic art in Euro­pe, they have been focu­sing on keeping the valu­able sculp­tu­re of rare beau­ty in the Grand Altar from…