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w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark


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Concerts 11.03.2019

Rules of concert organisation

The mis­sion of St. Mary’s parish focu­ses main­ly on mini­ste­rial and evan­ge­li­sa­tion acti­vi­ty. Howe­ver, con­si­de­ring its histo­ri­cal and cul­tu­ral sta­tus, we are open to sug­ge­stions of arti­stic events, which are limi­ted to serving the spi­ri­tu­al wel­l­be­ing of our…

Concerts, Uncategorized 10.05.2018

London Oriana Choir Concert

On Satur­day eve­ning, 26 May 2018 at 19.30 (after the eve­ning Mass), we invi­te You to the St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca for a con­cert by Lon­don Oria­na Cho­ir from Gre­at Bri­ta­in. The Lon­don Oria­na Cho­ir is one of Britain’s leading…

Concerts 30.08.2017

Saint Mary’s Organ Festival

Saint Mary­’s Organ Festi­val | We would like to invi­te the citi­zens and guests of Cra­cow to the St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca for the third St. Mary Organ Festi­val. For two years the famo­us Cra­cow Basi­li­ca, known primarily…

Concerts 16.11.2016

St Mary’s Organ Festival — 17th Nov 2016, 7.30PM

Arti­sts: Witold Zalew­ski – organ Łuka­sz Man­do­la – organ Paweł Rymar­czyk – organ Kin­ga Bra­­n­dys-Wój­ciak – sopra­no Anna Sto­lar­czyk – sopra­no Inte­ru­ni­ver­si­ta­ry Insti­tu­te of Church Music (Kra­kow)…

Concerts 16.11.2016

Concert: Choir of the Cathedral of Warsaw — 20th Nov 2016, 7.30 PM

The Days of Sacred Music Con­cert: Cho­ir of the Cathe­dral of War­saw — 11/​​20/​​2016, 7.30 PM   Tic­kets: free of charge.

Concerts 29.10.2016

13th Prof. Jan Jargoń Organ All Souls Festival, 9th November 2016, 7.30 PM

The 13th Prof. Jan Jar­goń Organ All Souls Festi­val fills the inte­riors of the Car­me­li­te Church, the Jesu­it Church and St Mary’s Basi­li­ca with master­ful music. The event is dedi­ca­ted to two com­po­sers, con­duc­tors and virtuosos…

Concerts 29.10.2016

Choral and organ concerts 4th November 2016, 7.15 PM

TRUST” — con­cert on the 70th anni­ver­sa­ry of the death of Fran­ci­szek Nowo­wiej­ski, com­po­ser. „Hasło” Male Cho­ir Marek Ste­fań­ski (orga­n) Tere­sa Maj­ka-Paca­­­nek (con­duc­tor) Lidia Jazgar (anno­un­cer)