Public Choice Award 2023 — vote for Wit Stwosz Altarpiece
The Public Choice Award 2023 will be presented in September in Venice during the European Heritage Awards Ceremony. We encourage you to cast your votes ( for the conservation of Wit Stwosz…
European „Oscar of Culture” for conservation of Wit Stwosz Altarpiece
Among this year’s winners honored with Europe’s highest honor — the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra 2023 Award in the Conservation category was the Wit Stwosz Altarpiece at St. Mary’s Basilica in Kraków.…
European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2023
Conservation of the Wit Stwosz Altarpiece in St. Mary’s Basilica in Krakow awarded the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2023 Brussels / The Hague, 13 June 2023 The European Commission…
The revitalization of organ instrumentation
Throughout the centuries the music of St. Mary’s Church has been closely associated with three pipe instruments: small organ in the southern aisle, choral and great organs. So they could regain their perfect sound the 21st century…
Rules of concert organisation
The mission of St. Mary’s parish focuses mainly on ministerial and evangelisation activity. However, considering its historical and cultural status, we are open to suggestions of artistic events, which are limited to serving the spiritual wellbeing of our…
Tours of the Basilica
Thank you for your support in this difficult time related to the COVID-19 epidemic. Thanks to the visits of tourists from different parts of the world, many good things have been achieved in St. Mary’s Basilica. In February…
Renovation of the Altar of Veit Stoss
HISTORY OF CONSERVATION For centuries, as St. Mary’s archpresbyters have been taking care of one of the greatest works of Gothic art in Europe, they have been focusing on keeping the valuable sculpture of rare beauty in the Grand Altar from…