Throughout the centuries the music of St. Mary’s Church has been closely associated with three pipe instruments: small organ in the southern aisle, choral and great organs. The first preserved mention of the organ in our church comes from 1399.
The great organ — upon meticulous arrangement of the organ cabinet the great organ has now 62 stops including 8 of historic value which originate from the older instruments of St. Mary’s Church. The oldest, 18th‑c. stops of Flute Major 8’ and Flute Minor 4’ were also preserved. The organ prospect has gained a new appearance thanks to two towers added to it. The entire cabinet has also been enriched with decorative woodcarving. The refurbished prospect is maintained in the classicistic style of Ignacy Ziarnicki. The gallery has regained its original design. The renovated great organ is operated by the 4‑manual console which allows to play simultaneously the chancel organ. The Setzer stop action control system allows an easy operation and the newest electronic system makes it possible to record and re-play music at any time. The great organ is intended to be used on every Sunday as well as during the collective parish celebrations. The disposition of great organ
The 14-stop choral organ - constructed by Kazimierz Żebrowski in 1912, were reinstalled on 15 December 2018 after an extensive renovation carried out by Rieger Orgelbau company. The organ location predestined it to accompany canonical hours, weddings and small liturgies in the presbytery. Its remarkably noble sonority enchants organists and anyone who is more versed in the music matter. A rich palette of romantic voices allows to create various shades of sacred music, from the mystic pianissimo to the majestic, permeating basilica, forte. The disposition of choral organ
The aisle organ - well-preserved Tomasz Fall’s 8‑stop positive from the end of the 19th century which accompanied Friday novenas, Way of the Cross service and many other celebrations under the Holy Cross. The disposition of small organ
The project of revitalization of organ instrumentation in St. Mary’s Basilica