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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark

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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark


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St. Mary’s Assembly

spo­tka­nia: Sun­days and Thurs­days 6.30 PM
can­tor: Mar­cin Wasilewski-Kruk
Spi­ri­tu­al guar­dian: ks. Dariusz Susek

We are a community of students and graduates, who are amazed by the beauty of liturgy. We want our songs to lead both us and the entire liturgical gathering to God. We take advantage of the extensive repertoire of traditional Church music – from monodies to contemporary polyphonic choral pieces.

Praying though song

Our main job is to con­duct pray­er at St. Mary’s Basi­li­ca thro­ugh song. We sing during the Sun­day Mass at 6:30 PM, at the Thurs­day Mass at 6:30 PM, and at the ado­ra­tion of Christ in Old Town. We per­form from Sep­tem­ber to June with excep­tion of cer­ta­in Church holi­days (All Saints’ Day, Chri­st­mas, Easter, Cor­pus Chri­sti). We always sing at the Pas­chal Vigil on Holy Satur­day and con­duct the eve­ning ado­ra­tion at the Lord’s Gra­ve on Easter Friday.


Niech Twój roz­bły­śnie dzień
Ave maris Stella

Four-part a capella

We per­form main­ly litur­gi­cal songs in four-part a capel­la, mostly from the hym­nals Nie­po­ję­ta Trój­co and Exsul­ta­te Deo and hymns of the Taizé com­mu­ni­ty. The quali­ty of our per­for­man­ces is impor­tant, which is why we rehe­ar­se twi­ce a week – usu­al­ly on Thurs­days and Sun­days at 5:00 PM. If you would like to join us, ple­ase wri­te to the Can­tor and arran­ge an audition.

Community and openness

Our mem­bers come from vario­us back­gro­unds, inc­lu­ding tho­se asso­cia­ted with the Church – the Domi­ni­can order, the Sale­sian order, and the pied­mont Com­mu­ni­ty of Open Indi­vi­du­als. We are open to people who want to pra­ise God and serve Him with us thro­ugh singing.