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Public Choice Award 2023 — vote for Wit Stwosz Altarpiece

Public Choice Award 2023 — vote for Wit Stwosz Altarpiece

The Public Cho­ice Award 2023 will be pre­sen­ted in Sep­tem­ber in Veni­ce during the Euro­pe­an Heri­ta­ge Awards Cere­mo­ny. We enco­ura­ge you to cast your votes (vote​.euro​pa​no​stra​.org) for the con­se­rva­tion of Wit Stwosz Altarpiece.

The con­se­rva­tion of Wit Stwosz Altar­pie­ce in St Mary­’s Basi­li­ca in Kra­ków has been awar­ded the highest Euro­pe­an pri­ze, known as the Euro­pe­an Oscar in the field of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge — the Euro­pe­an Heri­ta­ge Award /​ Euro­pa Nostra Award 2023. During a cere­mo­ny to be held on 28 Sep­tem­ber at the Palaz­zo del Cine­ma in Veni­ce, the Grand Prix win­ner and the win­ner of the Public Cho­ice Award 2023 will be anno­un­ced, selec­ted from this year’s win­ners. Voting is open until 28 August.