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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark

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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark


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Sundays and Holidays

6.00 AM
7.00 AM
8.00 AM
9.00 AM

10.00 AM

in latin
11.15 AM
12.00 PM
1.00 PM
8.00 PM



Weekday Masses between September and June (side altars or chapels)

6.00 AM
6.30 AM
7.00 AM
7.30 AM
8.00 AM
9.00 AM
9.30 AM

10.00 AM

in latin
10.30 AM
11.00 AM
6.30 PM

In July and August, the mor­ning Mas­ses start only on the hour, which means that the­re are no Mas­ses at 6.30 am, 7.30 am, 8.30 am, 9.30 am and 10.30 am.


Legend of the map of side altars and cha­pels

I — main altar (Mas­ses on Sun­days and holi­days, Satur­days at 6.30 PM, and Thurs­days at 6.30 PM)
IV — cha­pel of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn
VI — of Black Madon­na of Częstochowa
VII — of St. Anthony
VIII — cha­pel of Our Lady of Loreto

In the Eucharist, Christ is always renewing His gift of self, which He made on the Cross
Pope Francis