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Saint Mary’s Organ Festival


05 September 2017


8 p.m.


St. Mary's Basilica


St. Mary's Basilica

Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow

Saint Mary’s Organ Festival

Saint Mary­’s Organ Festival |

We would like to invi­te the citi­zens and guests of Cra­cow to the St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca for the third St. Mary Organ Festival.

For two years the famo­us Cra­cow Basi­li­ca, known pri­ma­ri­ly from the altar of Veit Stoss and the St. Maria­’s Call, will fill the sounds of the roy­al instru­ment per­for­med by vir­tu­osos of music.
Witold Zalew­ski — the orga­nist of the Wawel Cathe­dral and the direc­tor of the Inter­col­le­gia­te Insti­tu­te of Church Music in Cra­cow is the Festi­val Director.

The ninth con­cert with a gre­at orga­nist – Peter Kofler (Mün­chen, Ger­ma­ny) will be held on Sep­tem­ber 5th at 8 p.m. The eve­ning will be led by Lidia Jazgar.

Admis­sion to con­certs with the show of the fun­dra­ising card at the pri­ce of 20 PLN /​ 5 euro — to be pur­cha­sed in pre-sales at the cash of St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca, and on the day of the con­cert at the main entran­ce to the church from.7 p.m.

The orga­ni­zers of the St. Mary­’s Festi­val are St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca and the Pon­ti­fi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of John Paul II in Cra­cow. The main part­ner of the St. Mary Organ Festi­val is Comarch S.A.

Saint Mary­’s Organ Festival

PROGRAM (Sep­tem­ber 5th)

Felix Men­dels­sohn-Bar­thol­dy (1809−1847) — Sona­ta in D minor Op. 65 No. 6
Cho­ral-Andan­te soste­nu­to-Alle­gro mol­to, Fuga, Fina­le. Andan­te

Johann Seba­stian Bach (1685−1750) — Pasto­ra­le F‑Dur, BWV 590

Johann Seba­stian Bach — Toc­ca­ta and fugue in D minor, BWV 565

Johann Seba­stian Bach — Pre­lu­de Cho­ra­le „Vater unser im Him­mel­re­ich”, BWV 682

Felix Men­dels­sohn-Bar­thol­dy — Sona­ta in B major Op. 65 No. 4
I. Alle­gro con brio,
II. Andan­te religioso,
III. alle­gret­to,
IV. Alle­gro maesto­so e vivace

Con­cert is reali­zed in coope­ra­tion with the Con­su­la­te Gene­ral of Ger­ma­ny in Cracow


Saint Mary­’s Organ Festival