
lub na 70 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 5360 (numer konta parafii)


Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej


lub na 70 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 5360 (numer konta parafii)

Chapels and altars

Altar of the Holy Cross

The Baro­que altar of the Holy Cross was built in 1735 from black mar­ble incru­sted with pink mar­ble. It holds a Gothic sculp­tu­ral master­pie­ce – the sto­ne cross sculp­ted by Veit Stoss in late 15th cen­tu­ry. The stri­king realism of Christ’s suf­fe­ring empha­si­ses the emo­tio­nal and spi­ri­tu­al dimen­sion of the Lord’s pas­sion. The back­gro­und of the cross is com­po­sed of a silver metal pla­te with an ima­ge of Jeru­sa­lem, which was made in the 18th cen­tu­ry by Józef Ceypler.

Chapel of the Conversion of St. Paul

The cha­pel is loca­ted on the second flo­or of the church’s southern tower. It was fun­ded by Kra­ków coun­cil­lor Paweł Kauf­f­mann in 1522. The altar was deco­ra­ted by pain­tings of Micha­el Lancz von Kit­zin­gen: Conver­sion of St. Paul in the cen­tre, The Entomb­ment of Christ in the pre­del­la, and Christ Ruling over Angels in the finial. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, the ori­gi­nal pie­ces were sto­len by Nazis.

Chapel of St. Anthony

The Cha­pel of St. Antho­ny, which is also known as the cha­pel of Vil­la­ins, was used to hold convicts sen­ten­ced to death befo­re they were led by mini­sters for exe­cu­tion in the mor­ning. The Baro­que altar in the cha­pel was cre­ated in the 17th century.

Chapel of Our Lady of Loreto

The cha­pel was fun­ded in 1597 by father Paweł of Zator. It was sepa­ra­ted from the western part of the north aisle with a Rena­is­san­ce lat­ti­ce, on which gil­ded sta­tu­es of angels were set aro­und the year 1640. The late Baro­que altar, which was like­ly desi­gned by Fran­ci­sco Pla­ci­di, hosts a late 16th cen­tu­ry pain­ting of Our Lady of Lore­to in a silver dress.
Cha­pel of St. John the Bap­tist (ini­tial­ly of the Holy Spirit)
The cha­pel was built in 1446. From 1513, it was in the care of the weal­thy Boner clan. Its pre­se­rved fur­ni­shings inc­lu­de the magni­fi­cent bron­ze tomb­sto­nes of Sewe­ryn Boner and his wife Zofia née Beth­man. Ini­tial­ly, it hosted a pain­ted altar desi­gned by Hans Suess vel Kulm­bach, one of the best stu­dents of Albrecht Duerer. The walls are deco­ra­ted with poly­chro­mes by Józef Mehof­fer from 1932.

Chapel of St. Lawrence

The cha­pel was fun­ded by Kra­ków coun­cil­lor Marek Nol­den­fes­ser and was built over the years 1423–41. The Baro­que fur­ni­shings of the cha­pel are from the 18th cen­tu­ry. The poly­chro­mes on the walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukowski.

Chapel of the Transfiguration of Jesus (initially of Corpus Christi)

The cha­pel was fun­ded in 1439 by town­sman Jerzy Szwarc. The Baro­que altar from 1747 is attri­bu­ted to Fran­ci­sco Pla­ci­di. The sta­ge arran­ge­ment of the altar, which is an imi­ta­tion of Mount Tabor, inc­lu­des obe­li­sks and columns with upsi­de-down abut­ments and com­po­ses the pie­ce toge­ther with a pain­ting of the Trans­fi­gu­ra­tion. The pain­ting was cre­ated in the ate­lier of Szy­mon Cze­cho­wicz in War­saw aro­und the year 1773. The poly­chro­mes on the side walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukowski.

Chapel of Black Madonna of Częstochowa

The cha­pel is loca­ted on the gro­und flo­or of the bell tower. Its Baro­que main altar holds a copy of the Black Madon­na of Czę­sto­cho­wa pain­ting. Accor­ding to histo­ri­cal sour­ces, the pain­ting was alle­ge­dly copied from the ori­gi­nal pie­ce when it was being trans­por­ted thro­ugh Kra­ków during the Swe­dish delu­ge. The late Rena­is­san­ce bron­ze tomb­sto­ne of Erazm Dani­giel, who died in 1624, is loca­ted by the chapel’s wall.

Chapel of St. Lazarus

The cha­pel was fun­ded aro­und the year 1435 by Jadwi­ga Seba­stian née Kuńcz. It hosts a Baro­que altar with the pain­ting of the Raising of Laza­rus and an 18th-cen­tu­ry cross. The win­dow is made of sta­ined glass pre­sen­ting sce­nes from the life of Christ desi­gned by Jan Janu­szew­ski in 1939.

Chapel of St. Valentine

The cha­pel of St. Valen­ti­ne, which is also cal­led the cha­pel of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn, was fun­ded in 1443 by Jan Dol­nicz. The late Baro­que brick altar holds a copy of the pain­ting of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn by Rafał Hadzie­wicz from the first half of the 19th cen­tu­ry. The 15th-cen­tu­ry epi­taph tomb­sto­ne of Jan Seben­wirt is the oldest of its kind in St. Mary’s Church. The poly­chro­mes in the cha­pel were desi­gned by Sta­ni­sław Wyspiański.

Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk

The cha­pel was built in 1435 by Fran­ci­szek Wie­choń of Kle­parz and was fun­ded by father Teo­do­ryk Wein­rych. The­re are gra­ves of the church’s foun­ders, the dukes of Oświę­cim, Raci­bórz, and Zator, and the Sile­sian Pia­sts in the under­gro­unds. The cha­pel holds the grand Clas­si­ci­stic tomb­sto­ne of Piotr Fry­de­ryk Dunin of Skrzyn­no and his wife Zofia née Mała­chow­ska. The poly­chro­mes on the walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukow­ski and Wło­dzi­mierz Tet­ma­jer. The win­dow holds the sta­ined glass desi­gned by Jan Janu­szew­ski and pre­sen­ting the Our Lady on Guard of Kra­ków, also cal­led Thank­ful for saving the city and church from destruc­tion in World War II.

Chapel of the Archangel Michael

The cha­pel is loca­ted abo­ve the nor­thern gali­lee. It was fun­ded in 1443 by Jan Baom­gart. The cha­pel hosts a Baro­que altar with the ima­ge of the Vir­gin Mary with Baby Jesus and Gothic stalls with late Rena­is­san­ce backboards.

Chapel of Guardian Angels

The cha­pel is loca­ted abo­ve the southern gali­lee. It was fun­ded in 1435 by Miko­łaj Czir­la. The cha­pel hosts a late Gothic altar from ear­ly 16th cen­tu­ry and a Baro­que pain­ting of a Guar­dian Angel.

photo by M. Świerczyński