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Chapels and altars

Altar of the Holy Cross

The Baro­que altar of the Holy Cross was built in 1735 from black mar­ble incru­sted with pink mar­ble. It holds a Gothic sculp­tu­ral master­pie­ce – the sto­ne cross sculp­ted by Veit Stoss in late 15th cen­tu­ry. The stri­king realism of Christ’s suf­fe­ring empha­si­ses the emo­tio­nal and spi­ri­tu­al dimen­sion of the Lord’s pas­sion. The back­gro­und of the cross is com­po­sed of a silver metal pla­te with an ima­ge of Jeru­sa­lem, which was made in the 18th cen­tu­ry by Józef Ceypler.

Chapel of the Conversion of St. Paul

The cha­pel is loca­ted on the second flo­or of the church’s southern tower. It was fun­ded by Kra­ków coun­cil­lor Paweł Kauf­f­mann in 1522. The altar was deco­ra­ted by pain­tings of Micha­el Lancz von Kit­zin­gen: Conver­sion of St. Paul in the cen­tre, The Entomb­ment of Christ in the pre­del­la, and Christ Ruling over Angels in the finial. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, the ori­gi­nal pie­ces were sto­len by Nazis.

Chapel of St. Anthony

The Cha­pel of St. Antho­ny, which is also known as the cha­pel of Vil­la­ins, was used to hold convicts sen­ten­ced to death befo­re they were led by mini­sters for exe­cu­tion in the mor­ning. The Baro­que altar in the cha­pel was cre­ated in the 17th century.

Chapel of Our Lady of Loreto

The cha­pel was fun­ded in 1597 by father Paweł of Zator. It was sepa­ra­ted from the western part of the north aisle with a Rena­is­san­ce lat­ti­ce, on which gil­ded sta­tu­es of angels were set aro­und the year 1640. The late Baro­que altar, which was like­ly desi­gned by Fran­ci­sco Pla­ci­di, hosts a late 16th cen­tu­ry pain­ting of Our Lady of Lore­to in a silver dress.
Cha­pel of St. John the Bap­tist (ini­tial­ly of the Holy Spirit)
The cha­pel was built in 1446. From 1513, it was in the care of the weal­thy Boner clan. Its pre­se­rved fur­ni­shings inc­lu­de the magni­fi­cent bron­ze tomb­sto­nes of Sewe­ryn Boner and his wife Zofia née Beth­man. Ini­tial­ly, it hosted a pain­ted altar desi­gned by Hans Suess vel Kulm­bach, one of the best stu­dents of Albrecht Duerer. The walls are deco­ra­ted with poly­chro­mes by Józef Mehof­fer from 1932.

Chapel of St. Lawrence

The cha­pel was fun­ded by Kra­ków coun­cil­lor Marek Nol­den­fes­ser and was built over the years 1423–41. The Baro­que fur­ni­shings of the cha­pel are from the 18th cen­tu­ry. The poly­chro­mes on the walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukowski.

Chapel of the Transfiguration of Jesus (initially of Corpus Christi)

The cha­pel was fun­ded in 1439 by town­sman Jerzy Szwarc. The Baro­que altar from 1747 is attri­bu­ted to Fran­ci­sco Pla­ci­di. The sta­ge arran­ge­ment of the altar, which is an imi­ta­tion of Mount Tabor, inc­lu­des obe­li­sks and columns with upsi­de-down abut­ments and com­po­ses the pie­ce toge­ther with a pain­ting of the Trans­fi­gu­ra­tion. The pain­ting was cre­ated in the ate­lier of Szy­mon Cze­cho­wicz in War­saw aro­und the year 1773. The poly­chro­mes on the side walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukowski.

Chapel of Black Madonna of Częstochowa

The cha­pel is loca­ted on the gro­und flo­or of the bell tower. Its Baro­que main altar holds a copy of the Black Madon­na of Czę­sto­cho­wa pain­ting. Accor­ding to histo­ri­cal sour­ces, the pain­ting was alle­ge­dly copied from the ori­gi­nal pie­ce when it was being trans­por­ted thro­ugh Kra­ków during the Swe­dish delu­ge. The late Rena­is­san­ce bron­ze tomb­sto­ne of Erazm Dani­giel, who died in 1624, is loca­ted by the chapel’s wall.

Chapel of St. Lazarus

The cha­pel was fun­ded aro­und the year 1435 by Jadwi­ga Seba­stian née Kuńcz. It hosts a Baro­que altar with the pain­ting of the Raising of Laza­rus and an 18th-cen­tu­ry cross. The win­dow is made of sta­ined glass pre­sen­ting sce­nes from the life of Christ desi­gned by Jan Janu­szew­ski in 1939.

Chapel of St. Valentine

The cha­pel of St. Valen­ti­ne, which is also cal­led the cha­pel of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn, was fun­ded in 1443 by Jan Dol­nicz. The late Baro­que brick altar holds a copy of the pain­ting of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn by Rafał Hadzie­wicz from the first half of the 19th cen­tu­ry. The 15th-cen­tu­ry epi­taph tomb­sto­ne of Jan Seben­wirt is the oldest of its kind in St. Mary’s Church. The poly­chro­mes in the cha­pel were desi­gned by Sta­ni­sław Wyspiański.

Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk

The cha­pel was built in 1435 by Fran­ci­szek Wie­choń of Kle­parz and was fun­ded by father Teo­do­ryk Wein­rych. The­re are gra­ves of the church’s foun­ders, the dukes of Oświę­cim, Raci­bórz, and Zator, and the Sile­sian Pia­sts in the under­gro­unds. The cha­pel holds the grand Clas­si­ci­stic tomb­sto­ne of Piotr Fry­de­ryk Dunin of Skrzyn­no and his wife Zofia née Mała­chow­ska. The poly­chro­mes on the walls were cre­ated by Jan Bukow­ski and Wło­dzi­mierz Tet­ma­jer. The win­dow holds the sta­ined glass desi­gned by Jan Janu­szew­ski and pre­sen­ting the Our Lady on Guard of Kra­ków, also cal­led Thank­ful for saving the city and church from destruc­tion in World War II.

Chapel of the Archangel Michael

The cha­pel is loca­ted abo­ve the nor­thern gali­lee. It was fun­ded in 1443 by Jan Baom­gart. The cha­pel hosts a Baro­que altar with the ima­ge of the Vir­gin Mary with Baby Jesus and Gothic stalls with late Rena­is­san­ce backboards.

Chapel of Guardian Angels

The cha­pel is loca­ted abo­ve the southern gali­lee. It was fun­ded in 1435 by Miko­łaj Czir­la. The cha­pel hosts a late Gothic altar from ear­ly 16th cen­tu­ry and a Baro­que pain­ting of a Guar­dian Angel.

photo by M. Świerczyński