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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark

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Przekaż ofiarę dla Bazyliki Mariackiej
w Krakowie z użyciem aplikacji Spark


lub na 70 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 5360 (numer konta parafii)

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Support us

All people with good will can support the mission, charity, and evangelisation of St. Mary’s Basilica.


You can sup­port us by making a dona­tion to the fol­lo­wing bank account:
St. Mary’s Parish in Kraków
Bank Pekao S.A.
acco­unt num­ber: 70 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 5360
Inter­na­tio­nal transfer:
EURO: 94 1240 4650 1978 0010 7197 8171 (IBAN: PL94 1240 4650 1978 0010 7197 8171)
USD: 02 1240 4650 1787 0010 4297 3088 (IBAN: PL02 1240 4650 1787 0010 4297 3088)

Ple­ase enter one of the fol­lo­wing trans­fer titles:
Reli­gio­us cult pur­po­ses — New Evangelisation
Reli­gio­us cult pur­po­ses — Charity
Reli­gio­us cult pur­po­ses —  Sacred Music
Reli­gio­us cult pur­po­ses — Conservation


New Evan­ge­li­sa­tion activities
They are taken from the need to sha­re faith expe­rien­ce. Mon­th­ly ado­ra­tion with beau­ti­ful sce­ne­ry, music and gra­phics, or meetings with reflec­tion and sha­ring of God’s Word — the­se are just some of our ini­tia­ti­ves. Dona­tions to New Evan­ge­li­za­tion are inten­ded to cover tech­ni­cal, orga­ni­za­tio­nal, and logi­sti­cal costs.

Cha­ri­ty activities 
The sen­se of social respon­si­bi­li­ty of the parish pasto­ral care in a pla­ce so impor­tant on the histo­ri­cal and cul­tu­ral map of Poland inc­lu­des acti­vi­ties for the cam­pa­ign of the Cha­ri­ta­ble Team. Thro­ugho­ut the year, this team helps the poorest and needy inha­bi­tants of the parish and Kra­kow. Orga­ni­zes, among others Chri­st­mas Eve for the poor and joins the World Day of the Poor of the Arch­dio­ce­se of Krakow.

Sacred Music
By imple­men­ting the pro­ject of revi­ta­li­zing the instru­ments, St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca wants to cre­ate a show­ca­se in the field of the musi­cal cul­tu­re of the city of Kra­kow. Dona­tions will be allo­ca­ted to care for the quali­ty of the organ, as well as to the acti­vi­ties of St. Mary­’s Scho­la, the basi­li­ca­’s music ensem­ble — Cap­pel­la Maria­lis and the Cho­ir Rze­mieśl­ni­cze Towa­rzy­stwo Śpie­wac­kie „Hasło”.

Con­se­rva­tion activities
This acti­vi­ty inc­lu­des cove­ring the run­ning costs of the parish com­mu­ni­ty, resto­ra­tion works and works in the col­lec­tions of St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca. We are ple­ased with the com­ple­ted con­se­rva­tion of the altar by Wit Stwosz, who alre­ady deli­ghts us with its bril­lian­ce and at the same time we take care of other valu­able works, inc­lu­ding pain­tings, sculp­tu­res, vest­ments and litur­gi­cal vessels.

You can also buy a dona­tion card to visit St. Mary­’s Basi­li­ca (at the visi­tor servi­ce point at St. Mary­’s Squ­are 7).

In the sacri­sty and at the visi­tor servi­ce point, you can buy a com­me­mo­ra­ti­ve dona­tion for cha­ri­ty, main­ta­ining the Chri­stian heri­ta­ge of St. Mary­’s Church and its spi­ri­tu­al and cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge. The value of a dona­tions with a St. Mary­’s motif, which inc­lu­des, among others, a bag, an album abo­ut the church and sta­tio­ne­ry is PLN 100. We enco­ura­ge you to buy a dona­tions and sup­port our acti­vi­ties, as well as to make a com­me­mo­ra­ti­ve entry in the book of donors.

We are very gra­te­ful for all your support!